Arflex Japan - 2019
Legs is more.
Tango is the name of a famous dance from the Rio della Plata basin. In this dance legs move sinuously in fascinating figures. Sometimes the dancers hold a suspended position, while they create figures of great dynamic tension with the the diagonal lines drawn by their legs. Likewise, in the Tango chair, the diagonal structure of the legs is the key element that gives visual lightness to the object.
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Body, shape, movement.
The diameter of the tapered legs of the Tango chair becomes slimmer and wider in accordance with the structural needs: there is more material near the joints and more lightness in the rest of the leg. Its shape is imposed by a logic of organic functionalism, exactly like the muscles of a human being.
In the art of Phidias, in the Parthenon metopes, we note how static figures can exude a huge sense of dynamism, through the use of diagonals, proportion, defined muscles typical of the human body in movement.