Essay No.2
The Hau of the project and other seemingly magical things.
“The world about us would be desolate except for the world within us. There is the same interchange between these two worlds that there is between one art and another, migratory passings to and fro, quickenings, Promethean liberations and discoveries” - Wallace Stevens
In vernacular culture and handmade things, lies a power of attraction that requires gratitude and care. So-called primitive peoples of the Pacific Ocean believe donated objects, have a power, the Hau, which bears the presence of the donor or of people who previously used the object. Is it possible to find traces of this spirit in an industrially produced object? The work of the designer, the solutions found by the people who developed the project leave a footprint in the object, which is a vestige of that spirit. The more authentic the designer’s dedication to the future user is, the more meaningful the object will be. The object, like a gift, will somehow retain part of the characters of people who worked to create it, and it will be, in all its simplicity, inexplicably attractive. Personality into objects derives from the experience of designers, from their way of seeing and transmitting what happens in the world within them.